
“The consultant asked us into a room and the first thing he said was that he was sorry. It is those words that have stuck with us more than anything else”.

“There’s a lot of negativity around the condition with the focus often being around what children with Down’s Syndrome (DS) can’t do.  Isobel and Abigail are full of life and happiness”.  

Their characters are very different and it is a joy watching them together.  At 3 years old, they have been slightly slower in achieving their milestones and their speech is limited, however, this has in no way held them back.  They are really good at signing and spend hours dancing along to Sing-along videos.

Downs Syndrome is nothing to be ashamed of, pitied or looked down upon.

“A trip out with the girls takes ages, not because of any difficulties in getting about but because they are constantly being stopped and chatted to by strangers who are enthralled by their happy nature”.

Their parents were determined to look at the positive aspects of their condition and so established the charity: Twincess. It is a charity offering support if you’re expecting, or have a child with Downs Syndrome and want to hear a parent’s perspective. They believe strongly that Down’s Syndrome is not an illness. It is nothing to be ashamed of, pitied or looked down upon – despite an extra chromosome, people with Down’s Syndrome are no different to anyone else. People with DS, and those around them, are very proud of who they are.

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In the words of founders Matt and Jodi Parry: "We were naive to Down’s Syndrome when the girls were born and we found that there was nowhere to turn. We decided that this must change. Many reports highlight negative aspects of living with DS, but we want to focus on the positives of the condition; We ‘see the Ups not the Downs’”.

Now running as an online facebook group, Twincess is a valuable resource for parents expecting children with DS to access frank and honest advice, as well as support and guidance.

To find out more about Twincess, click here



Down’s syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in a baby’s cells. In the majority of cases, Down’s syndrome is not an inherited condition. Down’s syndrome usually occurs because of a chance happening at the time of conception.

To find out more about Down’s Syndrome, click here

The Down’s Syndrome Association (DSA) is the only charity in the UK dealing with all aspects of Down’s syndrome. Its aim is to help people who have Down’s syndrome live full and rewarding lives.To learn more about DSA and how they can support you and your family, click here.


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